29. April 2016

Au Pair Q&A with Jamie P.

Hi guys!

Today I have a very special guest, who is going to tell you something about his experiences with au pairs. And some of you may have already figured out, it is my lovely host kid Jamie.

How would you explain the word "au pair"?

It is a like a big sister and nanny at the same time, who lives in a host family for some months.

When did you have your first au pair?

Like two years ago, when I was eight.

How many au pairs did you alreday have?

Five including you, although one of them didn't stay for very long because she was homesick.

Where were they from?

Germany, Austria and Switzerland.

Do you like having an au pair?

Yeah, cause they're really nice and they can always play with you.

Tell me the good and bad things about having one.

The good thing is that they can play with you when your mommy and daddy aren't there. There's not really a bad thing. It is just annoying because they don't get to stay for very long and you end up getting really used to them, so you don't want them to leave.

Would you recommend other people to get or to be an au pair?

Depends, if you like handeling children, you can be an au pair.
And for parents, that both have to work, it's good because an au pair can entertain their kids and take them to school.

Could you give some advice for a person that wants to be an au pair?

You should play with the kids. And if they don't want to do/play the same thing, you should try and find a solution to make both of them happy.
I wouldn't like an au pair who tells us we should do something they should actually do (like the laundry), because they are getting paid for that.
And another thing: You need to know if you really want to do the job because there is no point of doing it if you're going to be sad the whole day. That wouldn't be fun for the au pair or for the kids.
And you should try to be fun most of the time. Only if the kids have to do something like their homework, you can be strict - but don't be too strict with everything.

Is there anything you'd like to say?

You're the best au pair ever Kitty Kat <3

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