20. November 2015

Love advice from a "boss kid"

Ay mates!

Hope you've had a lovely day so far :)
Today it's gonna be a different kind of blog post again (as you may see I try to experiment a little bit to find something I really enjoy writing about).
I was inspired by the Youtube channel "BuzzFeed" (which I am obsessed with) because I saw this video where kids are giving advice about love to grown-ups.
So I thought I'm gonna ask my boss kid Jamie a few questions and I hope to get some good advice! (Or at least funny answers :D)

Introduce yourself:

Hi, I'm Jamie and I'm almost 10 years old (and I'm a boss). My favourite colour is obviously red and football and rugby are my favourite sports. I really like the movie "Skyfall", the TV Show "The Simpsons" and the game "Halo". My favourite number is 12, my favourite letter is "j"  and English is the best academic subject. "Sorry" by Justin Bieber (not accepted) This song "in a middle of a street, our house" is very good, just like the book "World of Norm". Most importantly: Chips and chicken nuggets are the best food ever!"

How would you describe love?

"People I'm related to - good - people that I'm not related to - distgusting.
Daddy and mommy make me feel happy because they are funny and daddy normally makes me feel safe. And they help me with stuff I'm not really good at."

What do I do if I like a boy and who makes the first step?

"You could ask him out but you have to flirt fist - just say "Will you go on a date with me?". Also, you should make the first step 'cause he might not like you." (cute, ain't he?)

What do I do if he says no?

"He maybe wouldn't say it straight away but if he does, just leave it."

How often should I call him?

"Don't call him too much, maybe once every two days. Because otherwise it would be crazy and get a bit annoying for the man. But for me it would be exciting, because I don't have a phone so I love phone calls."

What should I talk about with him?

"You should say nice things to each other, so my mom and dad say something like "I love you" or "You look nice today."

What do you think would be the perfect date?

"Going to the cinema and to a posh restaurant, normally Italien, I don't know why. But I would like to go to a fun fair and eat popcorn and sweeties."

What do you think is a good date movie?

"In my opinion a scary or comedy movie. Scary - Godzilla or Hunger Games, but not too scary. Comedy - Meet the Fockers cause it's really funny but a bit inappropriate."

How do I break up with someone?

"Say stuff like you're sorry and everything. Go up to his house and just tell him that you don't wanna be a couple. But make sure you really want to, so you don't want him back after some time."

What should I do, if two boys like me?

"Chose which one you like better. And if you don't know which one you like more, take the one that looks more awesome. Or the one that buys really expensive gifts - like an Xbox 1.And always chose the sporty one cause then it's more fun to be around, so you can play football and rugby and stuff. Just make sure that you like his personality."

What did you think about that quizz and is there anything you'd like to say?

"Thank you to all my friends and everybody who is boss."

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